Monday, May 4, 2015

Preparation and a leap of faith

And entrepreneur is made - not born.
It would really be a huge help if one starts with being a specialist on a particular field before venturing into the uncertain world of being an entrepreneur and starting his own business.
Here's why.
A few years (4-5 or more) in college to achieve a degree in a particular field is like a military boot camp for anybody who will intends to use his mental faculties in surviving the rigors of the real world.
And what kind of college specializations would be a far bigger help than mot to an entrepreneur. A business degree of course. For sure, being an engineer is a great help when you go into construction, equipment/material supply and services. Engineering is all about men and materials - how they can be employed in the most efficient manner. Same thing if you intend to go into farming, you need to be an agriculturist. If you plan to go into health care business, for sure being a doctor would help.

However, the main advantage of being a business degree graduate is that you will be exposed to the basics/fundamentals of running a business. This knowledge is something that you can also get when you just pay attention in the activities of your first few jobs. Salesmanship, accounting, HRM, administration, finance, etc. This is quite an edge for business school graduates over the other professionals who ill compete with them on a particular market.

Of course, if your passion is something else aside from those that are really designed for those who intend to go into business as a professional, then by all means choose it. Nothing is more rewarding to start your career in a field that you really like and dreamed of. The rest can be learned later when you are in the workplace.

The workplace.